
Thursday, January 22, 2015


  1. central command must share with people political power, or, if not, than free goodies... beside if USA wants to change Germany one day and rightly become that biggest country of EU than we the people wants free goodies... germany have best industrial electronics on world, but USA have more innovative and more demanding one and on bigger scale and more crazy one, but not so commercialized like German... yes USA in last moment started to protect its nature from total devastation (agenda 21 and carbon taxes), but annex that Sahara next commander in chief must be black of course, or Clooney

  2. Watch the links posted by heyhey on the Dracula post Dr. P put up. Octogon and Pharoah Swiss stuff is pretty riveting. I am curious what you and MIT think

  3. The Davos thing was too much, I am reviewing now, not sure if I should re-post. Maybe, let me sleep on it. Thanks for reading and commenting.

    1. Dr Steve, This is another eye opening video! "Albert Pike Swiss right hand Phileas Walder, Palladian Order, US Civil War & Lincoln Assassination"

    2. Dr. P, If time does not permit you to watch it in it's entirity, watch at least from 32:21-57:22.

      Fascinating to me as I have dated a couple of rich guys and the obsession with Pharoahnic art was well noted.

    3. Don't let him get under your skin. He probably didn't watch them. He posted three min. after mine. I don't know everything, asking for feedback and respecful would be nice. Hopefully Dr. P will give an opinion and not be an ahole about it.

    4. Southern Belle, You know what amazes me the most? is the fact they all say this and that and are out there spouting all their vast knowledge and so called wisdom! yet one only has to read this site "The Vatican and The Jesuits" to understand that these Jesuits have had their dirty little fingers in every major catastrophe since the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre in 1572! One thing about these Jesuits they're the world best at dissimulation and they're behind all this Pharaohs movement! One thing tho Southern Belle this article makes a lot of sense " The Davos oligarchs are right to fear the world they've made"

  4. I met a Swiss woman last week and she said she had never heard of the BIS. I am not sure I believe her. She realized quickly I had some esoteric knowledge and she said, "I am surprised you have time to read these things." I had not seen these videos then. I did see a We Are Change Switzerland interview from the Bilderberger year where a banker was interviewed anonymously. It was in German I believe. They showed the occult symbols on the main Rothschild bank in Geneva. I just know I don't want to attend their parties, don't want anything they have except access to the good food, water, and quantum medicine. Then maybe we would all be more fit and MIT would let us procreate, smile. I do appreciate MIT. I don't want to tick him off.

    If I recall correctly, it was a Bilderberger attendee when they met in Switzerland that was pissed off at the fact protesters were on a hiking trail and he was caught saying something to the effect of, "Ugh. The goal was to keep us too busy surviving to learn, too poor to travel to protest."

    The part 2 of the August 1 cele

    1. bration was interesting. I need to research this holiday out more. Davos type boys and girls dine in Boston on occasion and their countenance's are other worldly to me. They wouldn't survive one day of my hard life. I am stronger, no doubt about it.

    2. Southern Belle, You said " I just know I don't want to attend their parties" which I agree with you 100% on that one! Not many people are aware that the movie "Eyes Wide Shut" was actually based on one of the Rothschild family1972 parties which you can observe on this site "The Hidden (And Not So Hidden) Messages in Stanley Kubrick’s “Eyes Wide Shut"

  5. Once on Hogmany in Scotland, me and my awesome beau, half German, half Scottish, kilt on...we ended up in a neighborhood free celebration dance and stayed in a bed and breakfast and had to walk a mile along the river to the dance and back. There were some rich Londoner's who were staying in a swanker spot. We approached to see if we could get one drink before proceeding to the alcohol free family celebration. We were denied entry, private. So...we proceeded to the dance and some of the Rolls Royce clan moseyed over. They invited ulme and my guy back to the private place for a drink. I am surprised we got out of there in one piece. Evil surrounded us at that table. One of the eariest feelings I have ever had. He felt it as well and we got outta there. We walked along the river, he in kilt,, holding hands, grateful for our modest means.
